Our drag-ready 3.5-inch DOM (drawn over mandrel) aluminum shaft is ideal for Camaros, Mustangs, and other applications. Thanks to 6061-T6 tubing with a .120-inch wall, you can be assured of consistent strength. Plus, the included 1350-Series “Gold” solid U-joints maximize durability. This driveshaft is rated up to 1,200 horsepower.
We also engineer this driveshaft to the most rigorous specs in the industry.
• Hydraulically straightened tubing built to a .010” total turnout at the center
• Tube yokes welded to within a .006” runout on each end
• Shafts are computer balanced to less than a ⅛ ounce/inch variance as an assembly
This 3.5-inch driveshaft is recommended (in most cases) for applications up to 1,200 horsepower. Need more capability? Try our 4-inch aluminum driveshaft that can handle as much as 2,000 horsepower.
Ready To Order?
Because PST builds each shaft to exact customer specifications, we’ll need to know:
• Seal-to-center dimension (see Diagram N/dimension “X” in our measurement guide)
• Rear U-joint size
• Maximum RPM
• Maximum horsepower
• Transmission type
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